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Following the success of our Weekly Health Packs,

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bods have started producing Monthly Health Packs from May 2021,

still focusing on Mind-set, Health, Nutrition, Exercise and Routine

Access our new monthly health packs by clicking on the PDF icons below

This page includes the seven Monthly packs issued in 2021

Also includes: Quiz, Game, Recipes, News, Online Fitness, and more

Please note:  This is HMHB research:  We are not psychologists, care workers,

or nutritionists. We are happy to receive any feedback, or correct any errors.

Monthly Health Pack; No 01

36 pages:    1st May 2021

Mindset:    Carrying on with life

Nutrition:   Amino Acids with Protein

Nutrition:   A look at Porridge

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   The benefits and basics

Health:      What smoking does to the body

Recipes:   Macaroni Cheese, Ginger Cake,                     Sausage Casserole

Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around the vaccine, and more

Monthly Health Pack; No 02

36 pages:    1st June 2021

Mindset:    Handling Disappointment

Nutrition:   Carbohydrates and Added Sugars

Nutrition:   A look at Tomatoes

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   Walking benefits and basics

Health:      Different kinds of Health

Recipes:   Beef Stroganoff, Toad in the Hole,                   Dorset Apple Cake

Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around the vaccine, and more

Monthly Health Pack; No 03

36 pages:    1st July 2021

Mindset:    Learning to Change and Adapt

Nutrition:   Micronutrients: Vits B1, B2, B3

Nutrition:   A look at Oils

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   Leg/Core Muscles: 3 exercises

Health:     Senses: Sight/Taste/Hearing

Recipes:   Chicken Supreme, Fruit Pie


Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around the vaccine, and more

Monthly Health Pack; No 04

36 pages:    1st August 2021

Mindset:    Overcoming "What's the Point?"

Nutrition:   Links to Mental Health

Nutrition:   A look at Onions

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   3 more exercises

Health:     What are our Muscles?

Recipes:   Banana Loaf, Goulash, Sweet                         Sour Chicken

Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around the vaccine, and more

Monthly Health Pack; No 05

36 pages:    1st September 2021

Mindset:    Do you have a Growth Mindset?

Nutrition:   What exactly are "Calories"?

Nutrition:   A look at Rice

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   Mixing it up: 3 exercises

Health:     Four Hormones to look at

Recipes:   Blueberry Loaf; Chile Con Carne

                 Carrot Cake

Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around climate change, and more

Monthly Health Pack; No 06

36 pages:    1st October 2021

Mindset:    Why is life so tough?

Nutrition:   Supplemants. Do we need them?

Nutrition:   A look at Chocolate

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   12 Days of Lockdown

Health:     What is Metabolism

Recipes:   French Onion Soup: Moussaka:                       Chocolate Shortbread Fingers

Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around coffee, and more

Monthly Health Pack; No 07

36 pages:    1st November 2021

Mindset:    We look at Closure

Nutrition:   Why do we cook our food?

Nutrition:   A look at Green Vegetables

Stretches: 2 pages of stretches

Exercise:   Get Outdoors: 3 exercises

Health:     Respiratory System

Recipes:   Bee Sting Cake, Meaty Pasta,                         Rice Pudding Cake

Plus, game, quiz, online classes, news around climate change, and more

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